Friday, May 13, 2011

Learning the word NO.....


Before I begin this post let me preface it with this....we are strongly working on the word NO is our house! Is is too early? I don't think so. She is SOOOO aware and fully puts on a full frown followed by dramatic sob when she hears the word. On the bright side...K is no longer actually EATING cat food (just playing with it), no longer sticking her hand in the toilet and playing with the water, no longer crawling onto the dishwasher, no longer pulling all our DVDs out of our entertainment center, no longer crawling into the cat's litter box, no longer having EXTREME mommy issues (which of course I never did say no to, but was EXHAUSTING!), but there is always room for the pictures show....

Tub escaper...

Q-tip assured this one is clean. Not sure how she even got it in there...

Toilet paper unraveler......

toilet flusher....ALL the time!

And last but not food eater. Not gonna lie, this is a strong case of reap what you sew.....apparently I did the same thing as a child....ugggghh!

In case you are thinking.....hmmmm this looks all the same night. It IS! What can I say she is one BUSY bean!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Eleven (eeeekkk) months in!

My sweet baby...I can't believe you are almost NOT a baby. You are almost a year old. WHERE did the time go? I have loved every single second of you! At eleven months you...

-are constantly babbling (lord help us when those babbles turn to words...)
-are standing on your own all the time and are quite proud of yourself when you do:)
-are eating what we eat...for the most part but still love your bottle.
-love your sippy cup.
-are a solid 11 hour sleeper at night, unless I wake you up on the days I have to work.
-have dropped your 3rd nap and are down to 2 naps a day...which I am actually okay with because they are WAY better naps. Every now and then you throw in a 3rd nap (which is a real treat for me).
-love our cat Diesel and yell at him..dededede or cat cat cat...whenever you see him.
-love animals...good girl.
-no longer sleep BETTER with mom and dad...instead you do NOT sleep at all but get so excited that we are there.
-have got your first freckle...on your forhead AND your first big bruise on your forhead
-hate shoes BUT need to wear them since you are always standing.
-have hair that is growing in white...not blond but white. Which is what I had till I was 4 so we will see...
-are starting to become an unpleasant shopping companion. What happened to my sweet little baby who loved target and the mall (and by love I mean slept through)?
-still love other babies, still love random strangers, still love people in is safe to say you are a total extrovert!
- are a testimony to God's healing and are seizure free for almost 4 months....what an amazing testimony you have ALREADY...can't wait for it to continue.
- are the best SUPRISE we have ever received....

Love you sweet girl...

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