Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hitting the pavement....

I've decided to start training for another half marathon. I've a nice break from long distances these past few months but I'm starting to get an itch for another race! Brad & I ran a few miles this Saturday to kick off my if only I could get Brad to go on all my runs with me to push the stroller:)

my two favorite running buddies

The running really did her in....

Friday, October 29, 2010

Play Date!

I have a great group of mom's and babies and we like to get together once a month! All of us did prenatal yoga together and all have babies a few weeks apart! A few pics from this months play date....

Lot's of babies!

Me & my SKUNK


We were lucky enough to get to babysit some of our good friends little girl, Tyler! We had fun! Double the diapers, double the feedings, double the smiles, and double the fun!

Tyler- 8 months, Karis- almost 5 months- SAME SIZE!

Just before bedtime...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Neurologists, Tests, Mirrors, & Blowouts

Had an appointment yesterday morning with the neurologist....hopefully the last appointment for a long time. As great as Kaiser has been, I would be okay not visiting them again anytime soon. Yesterday was the last of many tests for my little one and once again she had perfect results! What an answer to prayer! My sister in law was in town so it was a treat to have her come with me to the appointment. The doctor basically said it is a toss up if Karis will have anymore seizures (not the most comforting news) but he did say that since all her tests results- and there were A LOT of them- came back perfect and because my husband had a single seizure and then never another when he was a kid, he believes the odds are in our favor that she won't. Phew! Thank you so much for all of your prayers! God is so good!

On a side note: Karis has recently become quite taken with herself and is fascinated with mirrors. Sadly, this cute little outfit she is wearing in the photo did not last long. We made it out the door, into the car, and into the parking structure at Kaiser before one of the biggest diaper blowout I have experienced....I'm talking through the onesie, through the pants, and all over the car seat. Such a lady I have!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Karis Update...

Last Sunday, Karis had a seizure-something I would not want any parent to ever have to watch happen to their child. While the seizure was happening I immediately called upon the name of Jesus and apparently (according to Brad) started praying the blood of Jesus over Karis REALLY loud. This a trait I get from my mom. I've actually have always laughed at her because in certain situations like the Northridge earthquake while my family was on the 17th floor of the Disneyland hotel or my 32nd hour of labor and 3rd hour of pushing, she very LOUDLY starts praying in the spirit. Apparently this is how I respond in such situations. And so, after an all day family trip to the ER and 4 or 5 follow-up appointments, 4 months shots, an EKG, and ECHO, and EEG this past week I am happy to report that Karis is doing great! To be honest, she was doing great within 5 minutes of actually having the seizure. I however was not. This week I must have heard 10 different times "welcome to parenthood". This is the part that no one tells you about. I never realized I was capable of being so scared in my life. I had a few uneasy nights of sleep following the ordeal. On top of everything my husband was going out of town. Brad rarely travels for work, but this was the one week in the past year he was going to be speaking at a conference in Ventura. Luckily my mom flew up from Camarillo so I wouldn't be alone. I think having her here was just what I needed. I actually ended up having a great time with my mom and she was able to be there for some of the appointments so I wouldn't have to brave them alone. I'm pretty tired of seeing my little one with wires all over her body.
   And so today Karis had an EEG-translation- I had to sleep deprive her since 7:00am so that she would be nice and tired for her test (they need her asleep for the test). It was an interesting morning keeping her awake considering her test wasn't until 12:30. I did everything I could think of- diaper change, bath, outfit change, diaper change, swing, tummy time, shop at Target (we love Target), diaper change, go outside and watch cats, outfit change, diaper change and finally get in the car to go to Kaiser. Within 3 minutes of being in the car she was out. I finally just let her sleep. I secretly wanted to hop in the back seat and join her. It's exhausting keeping a 4 1/2 month baby awake against her will! We got to Kaiser 20 minutes later. She was NOT happy about having to wake up. Luckily, and I honestly believe thanks to many of your prayers she slept like a champ throughout the entire EEG, even through the nurse attaching 23 prods to her cute little head. The EKG and ECHO came back perfect and we will know the results of the EEG in the next few days. The nurse did tell us today after the EEG "She has beautiful sleep!". Brad and I have felt so blessed by your prayers and encouragement this past week. We have felt completely loved by our family, friends, and church- what an awesome community for Karis to grow up in! We are trusting that God our little one in the palm of His hand!

A few verses I've been clinging to this week:

Isaiah 41:10
"Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

 Psalms 55:22
"Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall."

Isaiah 26:3
"You will keep in perfect peace, him whose mind is steadfast because He trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord is the Rock eternal"

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mmmm...first foods!

At her last appointment Karis' pediatrician suggested we start rice cereal, thinks she might be ready for some solids (my all-star sleeper has started waking up in the middle of the night again after sleeping through the night since she was 3 weeks old). Wasn't sure how she would respond to food and wasn't sure if she was ready. The doctor told me that it would take at least the first couple of times to get her used to opening her mouth for a spoon. Clearly he has not met my child. She couldn't get enough...guess she was ready! Oh and we're back to sleeping for 10+ hours at night:)

Rainy days call for cute rain boots...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

4 Months

4 Month Stats: 16lbs 3 oz, 25 inches long
To Karis at four months old,
*You are morning girl and I love that I can count on you smiling and laughing in your crib when you wake up.
*You love your hands- you constantly have them in your mouth! (see post below)
*You have discovered your voice and are constantly babbling.
*You are terrified of sneezes.
*You are a big time smiler and have the loudest, cutest full belly laugh!
*You love your daddy-when he get's home from work you can't take your eyes off him.
*You are constantly moving- you're starting to shuffle your way all around our living room.
*Right before you cry, you make a complete pouting face complete with your entire lower lip frowning over your top lip.
*When you're hungry you kick your feet- wiggle your arms- and thrust your entire body.
*Which reminds have a flair for the dramatic
*You are in 6-9 months clothing.
*You've decided you no longer like laying down-all you want to do is sit up.
*You love to accessorize and are rarely seen in an outfit without a matching headband- I may or may not have a slight part in this:)
*You are fearfully and wonderfully made and we are so blessed and privileged to raise and love you!

Bounce Bounce Revolution

We put up a new swing for Karis...she was pretty into it:)

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